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Faunus is a free, object oriented library for classical molecular simulations written in C++/Python. Besides handling macromolecular solutions in various ensembles such as NVT, μVT, NPT, Faunus also covers more excotic topics such as proton fluctuations, arbitrary parallel tempering and hyperspherical geometry.

Molcas logotype.


MOLCAS is a quantum chemistry software which allows an accurate ab initio treatment of very general electronic structure problems for molecular systems for ground and excited states. MOLCAS is able to perform standard single reference calculations, like HF, DFT, MP2, CC, CPF etc. but also multi reference calculations, such as CASSCF, CASPT2 and RASPT2 for problems such as heavy metals, photochemistry, etc.

Multipsi. Logo.


MultiPsi is a free python library for multireference quantum chemistry calculations, designed both for interactive jupyter notebook exploration and high-performance computing environments. It supports both standard MCSCF and modern MC-PDFT calculations for both ground and excited states with an unparalleled efficiency, allowing more than 1000 atoms to be treated fully quantum-mechanically.