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Ulf Ryde

Research areas

  • Biochemical molecules studied by theoretical methods.
  • The relation between structure and function of proteins.
  • Enzyme mechanisms.
  • The influence of the protein on bound metals, ligands and chromophores.
  • Nature's design of proteins (Why was that metal or amino acid selected?).
  • QM/MM methods.
  • Combination of QM methods and experimental methods: e.g. X-ray crystallography, NMR, EXAFS, neutron crystallography.
  • Ligand binding.


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Research group member(s)

Links will open in Lund University's Research Portal unless otherwise stated.

Former employees (the last ten years)

  • Vilhelm Ekberg (PhD student 2019-2023)
  • Magne Torbjörnsson (PhD student 2018-2023)
  • Justin Bergmann (PhD student 2018-2022), currently at ESS
  • Lili Cao (PhD student 2016-2020); currently at AstraZeneca 
  • Dr. Octav Caldararu (PhD student 2015-2019), currently at Zealand Pharma.
  • Dr. Majda Misini Ignjatovic (PhD student 2015-2019).
  • Sonia Jafari (Guest PhD student (2018-2019)
  • Dr. Meiting Wang (Guest PhD student (2018-2019), currently back in Lund.
  • Dr. Geng Dong (PhD student 2014-2018).
  • Dr. Fatemeh Alavi Sadat (Guest PhD student 2016).
  • Dr. Casper Steinmann Svendssen (postdoc 2017), currently at Aalborg University.
  • Dr. Erik Hedegård (Guest PhD student; Postdoc 2016-2017); currently at South Denmark University.
  • Dr. Martin A. Olsson (PhD student 2014-2018).
  • Francesco Manzoni (PhD student, 2013-2017), deseased in 2017.
  • Dr. Paulius Mikulskis (PhD student 2011-2015); currently in Nottingham.

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